Thursday, January 21, 2010

Out of Formation - Episode 2: Ducks Fly Together

In this Episode:

Dylar screws around with the intro, again.
Mk2 Cygnar rundown
Kara Sloan
New Merc solos

Additional Linkage

Friday, January 8, 2010

Out of Formation - Episode 1: LOL Menoth, and stuff

Welcome to Out of Formation.

Episode 1: lol Menoth...and some Hordes stuff too I guess.

In this Episode:

o Fun spoiler (Well, it was but apparently either one of us misread the card or the errata will be forthcoming to ninja it from us.)
o The Hordes Field Test in review
o The new Cyclone, Decimator, Templar, Corruptor and Basher jacks.
o Harlan Versh

This is an early copy so be aware that those listening with spaceage technology like stereo headphones/speakers will note it only plays out of one of them. There will be a reedit later fixing that bit. Everything else in the podcast is completely intentional. Seriously.

Additional mp3 linkage